happens when all 'insiders' know the news is FAKE?What happens when all 'insiders' know [AS] is the leak of false data?What happens when a member of the House Intel Comm purposely leaks FAKE & FALSE data to 'friendly' news sources in order to maintain & portray a FALSE NARRATIVE to the public? How do you build a case against a member of the House Intel Comm if they themselves have access to the intelligence? What critical 'mission' did SESSIONS publicly announce re: leaks? Why did SESSIONS make this PUBLIC?Optics are important.Control of the NARRATIVE.TRUTH & TRANSPARENCY IS THE ONLY WAY FORWARD>RE: MUELLER deleted 'critical' text messages between PS+LP?Re_read Re: [MUELLER] designed to….The 'MUELLER' insurance policy has expired.Q can the 'LEFT' refute this?What happens when you can no longer trust those elected to represent you?FAKE! FAKE! FAKE!TRUTH & FACTS MATTER.Anons can play this game all day long.Q
21-Dec-2018 08:12:27 CST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI "ISIS JV TEAM…."Did ISIS form on HUSSEIN's watch?Did HUSSEIN take care of business or allow them to expand?How long did it take POTUS to ERADICATE and DESTROY ISIS?THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP TO THE did HUSSEIN attempt to destroy our military (weaken)?What was the 16-year plan to destroy America?Why did HUSSEIN install traitors at the highest levels of our Gov't?Think DOJ.Think FBI.Think C_A.Think NAT SEC.Why did HUSSEIN bring people into the WH who HATE AMERICA and what we stand for?What years did HRC serve as Sec of State?What years did ISIS expand?Why did HUSSEIN put restrictions on US MIL COMMAND re: ABILITY TO ATTACK TARGETS AT WILL > WH DIRECT APPROVAL REQ FOR EACH ACTION?FACTS NOT FICTION.BLIND SHEEP FOLLOW.EYES ON TARGET.Q
21-Dec-2018 07:42:54 CST
Why do people trust the FAKE NEWS media? Anons can play this game all day long.Compare & Contrast.FAKE! FAKE! FAKE!Q
20-Dec-2018 18:05:49 CST
Chemical attack in Syria?Public 'pull out' of troops in Syria….History will not repeat itself this time.Q would the FBI DIR take the time to visit ALL 56 FBI FIELD OFFICES around the entire United States? Completed this week.Logical thinking.Q proves past.News unlocks.You have more than you know."….and House Speaker Paul Ryan's chief of staff, John Burks."When did Paul Ryan announce he was retiring? Why would the Speaker of the House retire?Age of Paul Ryan?Sometimes reading between the lines demonstrates those complicit in treasonous / traitorous acts are no longer (or soon to be) in positions of power. Forced?R's easier to remove than D's?D's holding on to power as long as possible hoping to sway pending action [cover]?Think DECLAS.Think SC.………..How many senior FBI & DOJ officials have been removed? None left by choice.Nothing To See Here.Nothing is being done.The Biggest 'ACCURATE' Conspiracy….FAKE NEWS ATTACKS DEMONSTRATE WHAT?Q
19-Dec-2018 15:23:03 CST
[D] Day, Patriots.We will have our Country back!Q+
19-Dec-2018 15:19:27 CST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI is not another 4-year election….Listen very carefully.Power returned to the people.Long term solutions.Panic.Q
19-Dec-2018 15:14:15 CST
>> clock is ticking.When will the 1st alarm ring?If the Senate was the primary target (majority control)….53-47 active when?EO (designated_target(s)) active when?Ongoing investigations….."There are a lot of sealed indictments" - SC"It's all going to come out, U1, Dossier, CF, etc…." - SH"I have pretty good sources…" - SHThere is a reason why SH, SC, and JS are on stage. QWhy does the FAKE NEWS media continually attack a (as they say) so-called 'only a conspiracy' 'nothing to see here' 'lonely guy behind a keyboard' movement? The largest media co's in the world giving so much attention….WASH POST leading the attack?Logical thinking always wins.Q
19-Dec-2018 15:11:25 CST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI clock is ticking.When will the 1st alarm ring?If the Senate was the primary target (majority control)….53-47 active when?EO (designated_target(s)) active when?Ongoing investigations….."There are a lot of sealed indictments" - SC"It's all going to come out, U1, Dossier, CF, etc…." - SH"I have pretty good sources…" - SHThere is a reason why SH, SC, and JS are on stage. Q
12-Dec-2018 16:23:31 CST
/EndStress test failed.Q
12-Dec-2018 16:19:33 CST
>>4281684>>4281410Q, please tell us who or what the Wizards and Warlocks are.'Guardians' of intelligence.Q
12-Dec-2018 16:16:27 CST
>>4281583>>4280189Is Gitmo going to be used for US citizens (cabal)?(3) detention centers being prepped.Monitor funding.Q