>>954819No name in Syria.Timeline.Purpose?Who attended?No name panic.Health cover.Fast.QYou have more than you know.Spider web.Q
08-Apr-2018 13:40:57 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
>>954786After all these years…….No MSM positive media blast?Think.Now Syria?Iran?Russia flex through missile tech?We started asking “coincidence?” long ago for a specific reason.Those awake can finally SEE for themselves.Conspiracy?Have faith.Trust the plan.QNo name in Syria.Timeline.Purpose?Who attended?No name panic.Health cover.Fast.Q
08-Apr-2018 13:38:57 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
https:// www.wsj.com/articles/north-korea-ready-to-discuss-denuclearization-u-s-officials-say-1523213724After all these years…….No MSM positive media blast?Think.Now Syria?Iran?Russia flex through missile tech?We started asking “coincidence?” long ago for a specific reason.Those awake can finally SEE for themselves.Conspiracy?Have faith.Trust the plan.Q
08-Apr-2018 11:24:39 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
>>953050POTUS hunkering down todaySituation Room.Q
08-Apr-2018 11:20:23 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
>>952914Relationship.Plane crash 1999.HRC Senate 2000.The “Start.”Enjoy the show.QSIG intercept.https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/DOC_0006687262.pdfOld to New.AS THE WORLD TURNS.Q
>>950959Putin is Russias President.His job is to look after the Russian people.Put yourself in his shoes.He wants to win why not take advantage of his enemies.Trump comes along.Russia/Putin becomes our AllyXi becomes our AllyXi and Putin are also underattack by the deepstate which is rooted GloballyPOTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves.Think logically.Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria?Moves and countermoves.These people are STUPID (& SICK).Q
07-Apr-2018 22:48:59 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
They are trying to start a war.Deflection.Public interest shift.Pullout announcement.Chem attack.Coincidence?These people are sick.Q
07-Apr-2018 22:24:59 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
>>946546Prevent.Auth 1st S.Castle_Green.FRhYd5894-3580-357DBECgContact window ok.QTracking good.Relay back channel S-WH-E-P1.Fly High.Q
07-Apr-2018 22:15:40 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
>>946456Increase in chatter.Auth B19-2.Sparrow Red.Prevent at all costs.Good.Castle_Online.QPrevent.Auth 1st S.Castle_Green.FRhYd5894-3580-357DBECgContact window ok.Q
07-Apr-2018 22:09:53 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
Night [4]Increase in chatter.Auth B19-2.Sparrow Red.Prevent at all costs.Good.Castle_Online.Q
07-Apr-2018 11:51:35 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
>>938366Patriots stand together.Strength.Power.They want you divided.Q
>>936517EH CA.Relevant soon.QBorder states are VERY key.Bigger than you can imagine.The pipeline.Not R vs D.CA is special.Public will learn.Q
07-Apr-2018 09:32:47 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
>>936472Talking to you, anon.We always see “It's Happening” here.The ‘Tone'.WAR.April showers.QEH CA.Relevant soon.Q
07-Apr-2018 09:30:31 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
>>936346Q Please confirm or tell us if we are wrong about POTUS weekly address "It's happening" meaning what we all think it means.Talking to you, anon.We always see “It's Happening” here.The ‘Tone'.WAR.April showers.Q
07-Apr-2018 09:20:41 CST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
You have more than you know.Steel.Tech.America for sale.Systematic weakening of the US.U1.Cash flow funnel.Inside job.Traitors.$We are in control.Those awake can see.Q