Important to note [future events].Masking v unmaskingincidentally intercepted v direct [target]702 collection [minimization procedures] v CIA v FVEYHow does the CIA collect intelligence? not governed by FISA [intelligence operations conducted outside US]FBI is under FISA [foreign counterintelligence mission is principally domestic]Target location: US or abroad [traveling][rules]Foreign intelligence collection of US person(s).Official v unofficial. What [central] AB[C] agency played quarterback?QQ
May 6, 2020 _masks offMay 8, 2020 _masks onReconcile.PAN[DEM]IC.Q
20-May-2020 11:18:14 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
People fell asleep long ago.People gave up control.People have been compartmentalized [divided].Divided you are weak.Divided you are taught to fight each other.Race v raceReligion v religionClass v classGender v genderUnity is what gives people strength.Unity is what gives people power [collectively].Power over government.Power over [xabbr class="sp" title="19 spaces"> ]UNITY CREATES PEACE.UNITY IS HUMANITY.THE WORLD IS WHAT WE MAKE IT.Q
20-May-2020 10:53:32 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
PAN-DEM-ICDEM–PANICFear [vote-by-mail] and obey [stay inside or face death or arrest] tactics push will end +1 [election day].Reconcile: Release of convicts from prison [evil releases evil].Do these people care about your well-being?Do these people love America?Do anything to regain power?Q
20-May-2020 10:43:51 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
9252741"Meanwhile, Democrats on the Homeland Security Committee have decried the investigation and the subpoena, arguing that they should be focusing on coronavirus-related issues during the ongoing pandemic and prioritize it over politics."In a letter sent to Johnson on Tuesday, Sen. Kamala Harris of California renewed her calls for another COVID-19 hearing, noting that the committee hasn't held one since early March.DNC media [MSM] echo-chamber push?Is this about the virus OR PREVENTING EXPOSURE OF [D] CORRUPTION?Is this about the virus OR LOCKING [R] CONTROLLED SENATE FROM INVESTIGATING [D] FISA_BIDEN_OTHER CORRUPTION?Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?Q
When does your enemy expend ammunition? Do you expend ammunition against a weak opponent? Do you expend ammunition against a non_threat?Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v POTUSCritical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v Q [you]Q
19-May-2020 09:35:17 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
POTUS daily ingest HCQ prevent COVID-19?Pre announcement: tools [source(s), data, COV-1 v COV-2 analysis, etc.] provided to factually ‘challenge' narrative?Full attack v HCQ by media [D]s?Why?Why wouldn't the media [D]s want to work [on all fronts] to find a possible solution [immediate dismissal]?Why doesn't the media [D]s want the pandemic [rearrange: dem panic] to slow-stop?Why doesn't the media [D]s want society to heal [recover]?Why doesn't the media [D]s want people to no longer fear going outside?Why doesn't the media [D]s want people to point the finger at China as the source?Why does't the media [D]s want people to return to work [normal daily lives]?Who benefits the most?Why does corp media [D] attempt to control us?Why does corp media [D] challenge [attack] anyone who defies pushed_coordinated narrative? Why does corp media [D] attempt to prevent [individual] critical thinking [public]?Is this about the virus or something else?Everything is at stake this election.Q