If Russia didn't [hack] the DNC (insider breach)…..& US INTEL supported Russia [breach] claim……What does that tell you?THE US GOV [UNDER POTUS] WENT THROUGH [STILL ONGOING] A MAJOR REMOVE/REPLACE OPERATION.TRAITORS EVERYWHERE.'DRAIN THE SWAMP' HAS 'REAL' MEANING.[Mueller][impeachment] all meant to 'slowdelayprevent' the exposure [& prosecution] of their crimes.Will new articles of impeachment be 'continually' drafted in effort to hold as ammunition to prevent Senate hearings re: [D] party corruption?Moves & countermoves.The 'silent' war continues.Q
29-Dec-2019 09:45:14 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
Follow the guide.Q
29-Dec-2019 09:39:23 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
>>7653597>>7653541The point being many (R)s are confused re: must go through additional 'hoops' in order to vote (re: (R) party registration).% not mailed?% 'supposedly' lost?% delayed?% returned [D] _unchanged?Q
>>7643939>>7643842orensicator's first decisive findings, made public in the paper dated July 9, concerned the volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate—the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC's server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed. Compounding this contradiction, Guccifer claimed to have run his hack from Romania, which, for numerous reasons technically called delivery overheads, would slow down the speed of a hack even further from maximum achievable speeds.www.thenation.com/article/a-new-report-raises-big-questions-about-last-years-dnc-hack/
DNC server(s).Crowdstrike.Did Russia 'break-in' to DNC server(s)?Why did FBI accept 'indirect' evidence re: DNC server(s) 'hack'break-in' by Crowdstrike [Ukraine]? Why didn't FBI 'directly' investigate DNC server(s) [in-hand]?Download speed internal data DL vs remote? [1]www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/01/02/assange_to_hannity_our_source_was_not_the_russian_government.html[1]How does one provide content to WL?>comp-to-comp>person-to-person [1]Personal comms [secured] prior to release? [1]The (Source(s)):>Feeder [1]>Recipient [1]Interning for the DNC can be deadly.Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capablity' to trace 'break-in' route(s)?Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capability' re: foreign intercepts?Possible to layer/insert code [Crowdstrike] to designate intruder [intended target]?NSA data_bridge DNC-Crowdstrike [bulk data collection]Matters of National Security [Highest Levels].FISA is only the beginning.The hole is DEEP.Q
28-Dec-2019 09:35:25 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
>>7643247twitter.com/NatashaBertrand/status/1210593915008638976Haspel made Dir for a specific reason?Brennan 'tapped' directly for support?Brennan CLAS SEC DIV > spy_T?IF C_A WAS RUNNING BLACK OP [spy_T] IN UK WOULD HASPEL [STATION CHIEF] BE INFORMED AND INSTRUCTED?MI6?Meeting(s) w/ Durham?The only way to restore faith is through transparency and accountability. QGeo location 2015-2017?Q
28-Dec-2019 09:33:17 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
twitter.com/NatashaBertrand/status/1210593915008638976Haspel made Dir for a specific reason?Brennan 'tapped' directly for support?Brennan CLAS SEC DIV > spy_T?IF C_A WAS RUNNING BLACK OP [spy_T] IN UK WOULD HASPEL [STATION CHIEF] BE INFORMED AND INSTRUCTED?MI6?Meeting(s) w/ Durham?The only way to restore faith is through transparency and accountability. Q