>>7600180>>7600081Let Mr. Nunes know he is very welcome.It gets very wild in here at times but the real Qresearch gets done despite all the BS going on around us.Keep up the good fight, Anons.Q
www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-citizens-executive-order-census-countWhy are [D]s attempting to block the counting of 'illegal' immigrants?2 + 2 = 4What is the total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US?What is the 'real' total number of illegal immigrants currently in the US?By flooding coastal States controlled by [D]s does this 'pull' votes out of the Heartland? At what point will your voice and your vote become null and void?5:5?Q
23-Dec-2019 08:48:57 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB_l9wb0dz0Watch and listen carefully.[D]s threaten and cull 'independently elected' officials to fall-in-line [follow orders] or face being ousted? Who controls the [D] party?Who really controls the [D] party?Threat: If a major political party can be [controlled] does that represent a clear and present danger to the United States of America?[GS]Q
twitter.com/M2Madness/status/1208769369171476480WHY IS PELOSI HOLDING THE [2] ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT?How do you introduce the TRUTH about what happened to the PUBLIC?What 'value' might exist by attempting to BLOCK 'PUBLIC' testimony/hearings?Would educating the public through the Senate prior to Barr/Durham/Huber release(s) be important?Narratives are created and pushed to prevent the public from discovering the TRUTH.ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.Q
22-Dec-2019 15:22:26 CST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
Why are the [2] articles being held by Pelosi?Will holding actually impact the decision of the Senate?No.Will holding actually provide a better scenario [public opinion] to [D]s? No.Will holding actually 'sway' select Senators to change their vote? No. When blackmail and threats no longer work…….Why are the [2] articles being held by Pelosi?What happens when the articles of impeachment are sent from the House to the Senate?Can the Senate conduct 'other' business during this time?No.What 'value' might exist by holding the articles?How long do Senate impeachment trials normally take?What statements have been made re: timing?Think 'fast-tracking'.What statements have been made by Chairman Graham re: Senate FISA hearing(s) & witnesses?WHY IS PELOSI HOLDING THE [2] ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT?Q